How is Lumatone better or any different from the Linnstrument or the Haken Continuum?

The Linnstrument and Continuum are both super cool instruments... and they're also nothing like Lumatone.
Written by Matt McLeod
Updated 3 years ago

We get asked this a lot, which we find weird. We’d never claim to be "better" than either of those fantastic controllers! But as for different, Lumatone couldn’t be more different from either.

Besides all of the obvious differences, one of the most important is that our keys are… well… keys. While the Linnstrument and the Continuum are more like surfaces, Lumatone has opted to retain the familiar key travel that you’ve grown accustomed to on traditional keyboards. This allows a more traditional kind of expression when it comes to playability.

This is combined with the most non-traditional side of Lumatone: it’s large, hexagonal, isomorphic layout. This is a modernized, customized recreation of an age old idea for a music interface, and couldn’t be more different in nature or purpose from a Linnstrument or Continuum. 

While you can program other controllers to simulate the isomorphic experience — or even permit microtonal tunings — no controller currently on the market does so with such flexibility and playability, and with that as its primary purpose. Lumatone is built around a powerful hexagonal isomorphic grid, and provides a familiar kind of key surface as part of that experience. All of this -- combined with polyphonic aftertouch, Lumatouch, and the ability to set every key to act as a continuous controller -- sets Lumatone apart from any other alternative controller on the market.

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