Is there a pitch and mod wheel? I don't see it in the photos.

YES, every Lumatone comes with super beautiful aluminum pitch and mod wheels. Our pictures just haven't quite caught up with all our improvements yet.
Written by Matt McLeod
Updated 3 years ago

A-ha, yes, good point. Originally, Lumatone had no pitch or mod wheel. Thanks to the thousands of survey responses we received, it became very clear that this was by far the number one desired missing feature. So we made it happen. While you can see a preview of our beautiful custom-designed pitch and mod wheels to the right, we’re in the process of updating our product photography, so soon you’ll see the updated version reflected throughout this website. We’re all very excited about this addition and we hope it serves as a good example of how keenly we intend to listen to your feedback as we work to improve Lumatone!

We now feel like we’ve got a pretty perfect piece of hardware and that’s why we’re ready to open orders this summer. In the coming months and years, your instrument will see its feature set grow even more via ongoing Firmware updates.

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