Why can't you sell Lumatone any cheaper? Isn't it just another MIDI controller?

We get this question a lot. The short answer is -- no, it's not just another MIDI controller!
Written by Matt McLeod
Updated 3 years ago

Okay, we get this question a lot, and hey, we get it. Lumatone is a premium instrument, and it carries a premium price tag.

The eventual retail price of Lumatone is going to be US$3,999. To help our earliest adopters into owning one — and to get the instrument out there in the world — we’re offering a sliding scale of discounts on the first 150 Lumatones we make, up to 25% off, which brings the price as low as $2,999. Specifics about discount tiers is set to be emailed to our mailing list privately first, so make sure you’ve signed up via our survey if you haven’t already.

This is a very unique instrument. Lumatone is a very expensive dream, and it is taking a lot of money and risk-taking to make it come true. We realize it’s not for everyone, but those of you who share this dream with us understand the value of the instrument you’ll be buying.

Once in a while we see a comment online that says something like “thousands of dollars for a midi controller? No thanks.” Respectfully, we think those folks are missing the point, or simply don’t have a need for an instrument like ours. While Lumatone does control sound-generating devices via MIDI, it would be a misunderstanding to just toss it in the category of “midi controllers.” We have yet to come across any other instrument that has anywhere close to 280 colour-customizable keys with real, keyboard-like travel and polyphonic aftertouch. Let alone one that presents them in an isomorophic layout, and offers the ability to build and switch between custom mappings on the fly.

From our travels and discussions, we think there are enough of you out there that “get it.” It’s because of your enthusiasm that we’re willing to take the enormous risk of building this thing. We’re truly grateful to those of you who recognize the value of Lumatone and have chosen to invest in one to help us build this new community!

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